It’s Friday afternoon, @Sarah here for Suze. Suze and I just got off a FaceTime, and I can tell you, one week from her surgery she is getting better and strong every day, I cannot express how much Suze and KT appreciate all of you for sharing your love and prayers with them. Now, in true Suze fashion, she has some words for us today, and I typed as fast as I could as she hit me with a few thoughts before she had her lunch. Here is what she says... "Now that unemployment is coming to an end, we are about to see our perfect storm, I linked to an article a few weeks back if you look through the posts. Real estate is going to go down, the stock market is going to take a hit, this I know, I don’t care what anyone says. I want you to stay the course, what is driving the market is the NASDAQ / AMAZON, I want you to be careful, please do not do anything drastic. Now is not the time to buy real estate or put a large amount of money in the stock market. OK if you want to dollar cost average, fine do that. As I have said before, by October or November, we are going to be feeling a little better and even better by February 2021, but for now, we are going to be a little out of control. If you feel uncertain, you are not alone. There are 58 million other people that are feeling that way. More important than action right now is to stay strong, to think through your actions, and I promise you that you will weather this storm. Be strong, be smart. The best thing you can do in your entire life is to ground yourself in the healing energy of love for yourself, and your family and friends, this world needs positive energy more than we have ever needed it before. No one can count on anyone saving them, except for themself. Don’t be afraid, don’t be angry, don’t be ashamed. I am begging you all to be kind to each other, even with those that are not being kind and respectful to you.” We wrapped up our conversation with her making sure I told you all that she is at home in Florida resting, and of course, they have Hurricane coming right at them, however, they are safe and, as she says "old salty dogs" and they are prepared for it. She says she is looking forward to the storm clearing and the silver lining coming through on the other side."

Posted by Suze at 2020-07-31 20:56:17 UTC