OK...more responses to your questions from live chat. @deletedmember Suze what do you think about the timing of insurance settlement for an accident I was involved in. My Response: So sorry I don’t have enough information to be able to answer your question. But if you have just received an insurance settlement and you’re totally out of debt, which is what I would be using that money for, and you have an eight-month emergency fund and now you want to invest it I would be dollar-cost-averaging into these markets. @Kathy Payne Can you speak about universal life insurance? My Response: If you use the app and you go onto searching all podcasts and put in universal life you will see that I’ve talked about it many many times and why I seriously dislike it. @Lisa Grewar Why is the stock market going up when this is the worst economic downturn since the great depression? My response: Lisa the stock market is going up right now because people feel hopeful they think there’s going to be a vaccine - there’s really no other place to put money to get a good interest rate and that’s mainly the reason at this point in time. I do not think it’s going to last. @deletedmember What’s the game plan to tackle $173,000 in student loan debt question I am looking to buy a home soon as well. Should I try to pay off the student loan debt first? My Response: When you have $173,000 of student loan debt I’m not exactly sure it’s a wise thing to also be thinking about buying a home. If you have enough income then $173,000 in student loan debt would not be a problem - but when you say to me how do you tackle it - that concerns me. Hopefully, you tackle it under the standard repayment method and have it paid off in 10 years. More questions and answers coming up in a few....

Posted by Suze at 2020-05-09 14:10:43 UTC