Okay here we go and what the street is saying - bottom line I would tell you not to get greedy and sell And if the deal falls through if you sold at a gain you can always buy back without having to wait 30 days The 30 day rule only applies to sticks fold at a loss outside of retirement accounts Buying PXD It is a good deal for Exxon, as it gets premier assets in the Permian. With Scott Sheffield (CEO of PXD) retiring at the end of this year, that likely has accelerated the deal. It seems unlikely that there will be a competing bid, as XOM hinted at buying PXD back in April and we have not heard of anything else since, but it is possible. It is also possible that the deal falls through. 
WE have not seen new deal terms; those proposed back in April were that it is an all-cash deal worth around $60 Billion. It appears that PXD is close to that value now, between Friday’s and today’s price increases.   If nothing materializes over the next week or so, selling is probable , so we do not run the risk that the deal falls through—again, unlikely given XOM’s cash position, but you never know. We also have to factor in an unfriendly regulatory environment that could try to put up roadblocks to the deal closing, so once we think there is no premium left on the table, it’s probably best to just sell it and move on.

Posted by Suze at 2023-10-09 14:56:08 UTC