We have created the very first EMPLOYER MATCHED savings account for employees.   Your account is FDIC insured and funded directly from your paycheck.  No taxes no penalties no vesting no fees.   It’s your money it’s available to you whenever you want it.  If you are an employer interested in offering this opportunity to your employees or an employee who wants to learn more about securesave, please join me and Devin Miller CEO, on  June 23rd, 1:30pm ET 10:30am PT  for an interactive live Webinar where we will answer any questions you may have. Do not miss the most exciting employee benefit ever to be offered - so sign up right now ! See you there  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/2016238560330/WN_vw1i5M24QHOtOQktTqFrIg

Posted by Suze at 2021-06-17 13:51:23 UTC